SI unit calculationΒΆ

SI unit calculation can by made with Unum pagkage. Here you can find Unum documentation. Please note that Loge has some special features that help diplay Unum - you can find it in Features page.

Python code:

import unum.units as u

#! Stress calculation

#! Input data:
F = 1000.0*u.N #<< - force value
b = 20.0 * #<< - section width
h = 10.0 * #<< - section height

#! Result calculation:
A = b * h #%requ - section area
Sigma = (F / A).asUnit(u.Pa) #%requ - stress value

#! So for section dimensions var_b , var_h and force var_F we get stress value val_Sigma.

Loge output report:

Stress calculation

Input data:

F = 1000.0 [N] - force value

b = 20.0 [cm] - section width

h = 10.0 [cm] - section height

Result calculation:

A = b * h  = 200.0 [cm2] - section area

Sigma = F / A  = 50000.0 [Pa] - stress value

So for section dimensions b = 20.0 [cm] , h = 10.0 [cm] and force F = 1000.0 [N] we get stress value 50000.0 [Pa] .