
Loge requirements

To run Loge the following Python environment must be installed

1 - Python 3
2 - Minimal non-standard python dependencies
3 - Optional non-standard python dependencies
unum - SI unit calculation
matplotlib - matplotlib and LaTex display
svgwrite - SVG graphic display
tabulate - working with nice looking text table
dxf2svg - dxf file drawing display
anastruct - 2D structure analysis

How to run Loge?

Loge is available through PyPI and can be install with pip command. To install Loge with minimal requirements use pip by typing:

pip install loge

To make all features available install optional dependencies by taping:

pip install unum matplotlib svgwrite tabulate dxf2svg anastruct

To run Loge use command loge from your system command line. Command python -m loge works as well.

On Windows system you can also find and run loge.exe file in ..\Python3\Scripts folder. For easy run make shortcut for this file.

If new version of Loge package available upgrade it by typing

pip install --upgrade loge

OS compatibility

Windows (10) and Linux (xubuntu) tested.